Laura’s mixed level set includes four lessons, ranging from 38 – 50 minutes, recorded and edited from a live class in 2015. These four lessons are all inspired directly from Moshe Feldenkrais’s teaching at the Alexander Yanai studio in Israel. The lessons are altered according to Laura’s interpretation of movements that are well sequenced and accessible to her diverse group of students. Students in the class reported the following benefits:
➢Improved coordination of the upper and lower bodies when there is “confusion” in the mid back, sometimes due to scoliosis.
➢Immediate and noticeable improvement in walking and hiking.
➢Immediate and lasting low back release and ease.
➢Better clarity with hip flexion in general, and specifically the use of the psoas muscle in hip flexion.
➢Surprises in discovering asymmetries between their two sides, and noticeable improvement in symmetry.
➢A feeling as if their legs, arms and head were lighter in weight.
➢Shoulder tension release.
➢Neck muscle release, sense of length in the back of the neck.
Positions: Mostly lying in the back, with some movements on the stomach.
The cohesive themes embedded in these lessons include:
1. Deepening the core connections between the diagonal or contra-lateral quadrants of the torso (e.g.the right hip and left shoulder) within a variety of movements.
2. Expanding these core relationships out through the five extremities: both legs, both arms, and the head. Supporting the movements of the limbs from the core.
3. Using pressing and lifting micro-movements, with the use of the floor as feedback and as a force to push against with isometric contractions.
4. Direct influence on the contra-lateral movements used in walking.
5. Intelligent and efficient contraction and release of the abdominal and hip flexor muscles, as well as the back extensor muscles.
Lift and Vibrate Hips and Shoulders, 39 min
Press and Lift Shoulders and Hips, 50 min
Lift and Lengthen Head and More, 48 min
Lifting and Pressing All, 38 min
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