Laura’s beginning level set includes 6 lessons, between 33 – 43 minutes in length, recorded from a live class series, and edited in 2014. These lessons are carefully crafted to improve posture in both sitting and standing.
The first 3 lessons alternate between doing movements lying on your back on the floor, and sitting upright on a chair or stool. (You will need a chair near your mat, and the chair needs to be without arms, and one that you can sit forward and upright on. An armchair will not work). In these 3 lessons you will solidify your base of support in sitting. You will develop awareness of your “sitting bones,” and expand your options for how your sitting bones can support you. You will also develop flexible movement in your pelvis and hip joints, so that you can easily move around your base of support.
The second 3 lessons take place on the floor, in positions of lying on your back and stomach. These lessons are designed to improve posture from foot to head, and head to foot. You will deeply develop the ability to open and expand your chest and upper back. In the process you will release limiting shoulder tension. After each lesson you will immediately experience the ability to stand upright easily, with a lengthened spine, open chest, and relaxed shoulders, without force or strain.
Some of the ideas embedded in this series include:
– Comfortable posture in sitting requires a solid yet mobile base of support.
– Sitting and standing upright is a whole body experience of length through the spine.
– You can experience an open and lifted chest and breastbone without force or strain.
– Sitting or standing “up straight” can be an effortless, pleasurable experience, at any age.
1. Sitting, Tilting Pelvis, 43
2. Sitting, Tilting Pelvis 2, 43
3. Sitting, Pelvic Clock, 41
4. Lift Hip, Elongate Arm, 40
5. Lift Hip, Elongate Arm Continued, 40
6. Activating Center, 38
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